Welcome to my blog.
A place where everyone can find a collection (organized) of tutorials/walkthroughs found on the web about digital paint, graphics design, drawing... everything that is creative . For beginner (as me) and for everyone love art.

July 14, 2009

Digital paint: the face - portrait


mikh.deviantart.com & dianae.deviantart.com & blakeri.deviantart.com & Joel Carlo

Vivien Hulbert & Shreya Shetty & strahan.deviantart.com & arseny-gutov.deviantart.com &
billcorbett.deviantart.com & www.kylelambert.co.uk & Simon Perrson & leejun35.deviantart.com

July 08, 2009

Digital paint: the hands

The only tutorial that I found, about hands, is this one by Marta Dahlig. But , commonly, you can use some reference photo like this on deviantart.com...
also, in other future tuts that i post you will find the hands combined with the entire human figure.

June 30, 2009

Digital paint: the custom brush

Sorry for the delay on this post...maybe the first post that I had to write but I was in a hurry to post the eye's tutorials and I didn't use my common sense ^___^. Anyway.
The first group of four sets is a group of custom brushes by the wonderful artist Marta Dahlig.
The sets are subdivided in: skin&hair, fabric&costume, nature&environment and the elements.

Other great artists who shares their knowledge and ability, are
 Katie De Sousa... Dan Luvisi aka Adonihs....
Diane Özdamar with her Hanagumori's set...

and also this useful sets and tips...

for hair, the Cellesria's brush set...