Welcome to my blog.
A place where everyone can find a collection (organized) of tutorials/walkthroughs found on the web about digital paint, graphics design, drawing... everything that is creative . For beginner (as me) and for everyone love art.

July 14, 2009

Digital paint: the face - portrait


mikh.deviantart.com & dianae.deviantart.com & blakeri.deviantart.com & Joel Carlo

Vivien Hulbert & Shreya Shetty & strahan.deviantart.com & arseny-gutov.deviantart.com &
billcorbett.deviantart.com & www.kylelambert.co.uk & Simon Perrson & leejun35.deviantart.com

July 08, 2009

Digital paint: the hands

The only tutorial that I found, about hands, is this one by Marta Dahlig. But , commonly, you can use some reference photo like this on deviantart.com...
also, in other future tuts that i post you will find the hands combined with the entire human figure.